View Profile Balderdashington
If life is a highway, I shall J-walk.

Jon Leslie @Balderdashington

Age 34, Male

Museum Connoisseur

Small Town Saskatchewan

Joined on 6/15/08

Exp Points:
720 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.08 votes
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Balderdashington's News

Posted by Balderdashington - May 24th, 2010

It is summer and that means all the collab goers are getting out of school and joining up with as many collabs as they can. Some do it for a high batting average, some to refreash thier flash skills, and others do it just because it's fun.

I predict that there are going to be many great flash collabs coming out in the near future. And I just hope that those collabs that suck get drug down into the bowls of Hell itself.

Posted by Balderdashington - August 20th, 2009

So I recently joined a Flash Forum called Flash Armory. It actually pretty cool. It has real potential if even more people join. If you want to join, or even just check it out follow this address:
http://www.flasharmory.comli.com/forum s/index.php

Other than that, I go back to college in about 2 weeks, hopefully I can pump something fun out in that time. Done my summer job tomorrow . Woo! Well...not so much since my pay then stops as well...crap.

Posted by Balderdashington - July 3rd, 2009

I tried a new style of art on myself.

Also have been working on a little something in flash, hope to get it done soon.

Peace out man.

Posted by Balderdashington - June 23rd, 2009

It was my first time participating in a collab.
It was my first time doing a piece of flash that was written AND animated by me.
It was my first time getting an "Awesome" score on a submission that just passed judgment.


This collab really inspried me to do more than just loaf around Newgrounds. It was so fun being apart of this and I want to do more.

That..."hero"...of mine...I think I might keep him...

Posted by Balderdashington - June 21st, 2009

Well for a couple of years I have been lurking around Newgrounds, Watching video, playing games, telling my friends. Then I decided to get an account here so I could review and vote! And I began lurking the NG BBS. Along with that came some submissions that I did for projects with school. One did quite well, but I didn't really care because I couldn't really call them my own. Forced script, pre-made audio file, or something else. I couldn't really hang my hat on any of them and say, "That was aaaaaaaallllll me."

Well now I am getting a one step closer to being on my own and making a segment for a collab. I am not alone on the submission, but I can now say that I have completed an animation short on my own. Keep an eye out sometime soon for the "5 Hour Collab: Robots".

I hope to get a few more animations done in the summer, hopefully independent as well. But then again, I never knew how much fun collabs are!!